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173 masstest log

Pumkin man

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Lore Name:Pumkin man

Question / Idea:How fast is 173.
Background Research:173 is known to be faster then the blink of a eye but from what I see it has never been a exact number.
Hypothesis:scp 173 will be faster than the speed of sound or faster than the speed gun can detect.

Observations (What Happened During Test):scp 173 ran and its speed was above the speed of sound.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:the speed gun detected a speed of 4902kph.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):it might be lower than normal since he did not have enough time to speed up.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Half way since the giant speed gun did detect it.

extra:I know that speed guns have a max but we used a extra big and power full one so it could detect the speed of sound and beyond.

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