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SCP-999 Testing

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This is my first testing on an SCP. I hope you enjoy it, I tried to be creative by creating my own document format and hopefully a new idea that can branch out to other experiments while being as realistic as possible! 🙂

Edited by BetterDylan
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Final Grade: 90/100

-Format: 100/100

Unique and great format, the colors blend well and it is easy on the eyes.

-Grammar: 100/100

Couldn’t spot any errors, Nice Work!

-Creativity: 90/100

Although the test idea itself was not the most ultra-complex compared to others I’ve seen, it is still a rather original solution to the “Will SCP-999 eat a loving person if they were full of candy?” Question. I also really liked the added area of the D-Class breakout.

-Lore: 90/100

You followed all basic lore on SCP-999 but I believe instead of trying to consume the entirety of the D-Class for the candy inside, it would have just left the D-Class alone understanding that the D-Class may get hurt.

Final Message:

Good work! This test log was very well written and I hope to see some more out fo you. 


RRH Analyst Lima-3;

Sarkic Archon General;

Former-Omicron-9 2LT Saw;

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