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096 D class test


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Lore Name: Thomas Skitane/ Redacted
Rank: Researcher
SCP: 096

Question / Idea: How does SCP 096 react to average humans that try and do harm to him? Is it possible for a regular human being to end 096s life?
Background Research: I studied most of his termination tests but maybe we try to hard to end his life with such extreme measures.
Hypothesis: I believe 096 will kill all the d class I send at him when blinded and not blinded.

Observations (What Happened During Test): The d class did not follow my orders to keep him blind yet tried to treat 096 gently. This of course did not work very well as I interfered when hearing the d class try and keep 096 calm as they did not look at him. I ordered them to attack 096 and once they did the bodies dropped as fast as I could drop a coin in a sewer.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I had MTF with me to bag 096.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 096 remains a powerful threat and his not to be sent outside in the outside world. The d class not listening could have helped cause their deaths but in the end 096 will kill whoever sees him.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was.

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