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SCP-330 memory test


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Lore Name: Opossum

Rank: JR

SCP: SCP-330

Question / Idea: Will somebody who doesn't have the knowledge of taking a piece of candy from SCP-330 still be affected by its no more than 2 policy?

Background Research: SCP-330 has a sign that is impossible to cover, that says "Take no more than two!" If somebody doesn't believe they have taken more than two, and has no memory of doing so, will the bowl still take away their hands?

Hypothesis: The bowl will still remove the subject's hands.

Observations (What Happened During Test): D-Class "Shandii" was taken to SCP-330 with the assistance of RIG UNIT PWR RNGR RR 77 and Medic Buck. Shandii was told to take no more than 2 pieces of candy out of the bowl, and proceeded to take two pieces of green candy out. Shandii was then amnecticzed by Medic Buck, and was told to take a single piece of candy out of the bowl. They proceeded to do so, and their hands were cut off. Medic buck attempted to stabilize the wounds but ran out of supplies, resulting in the D-class dying. 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: (As you can see here, their hands are cut off.)20210430103908_1.thumb.jpg.6765630862bc5cbc1eb30c7af8748c44.jpg

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I think this test proves that you do not need to be aware of how many pieces you've taken from SCP-330 in order to be "punished" by it. Some anomalous force automatically does it no matter what.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, my hypothesis was completely correct.

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Grade score: 75/100
Grade Class: Keter
Overall Feedback: Meets expectations.
Notes: Test itself is extremely creative, Not any apparent issues with lore here, However there is a lack of custom formatting here, While the colors look good, A custom made format in Google slides or google docs would have looked nicer, Writing was also on point, So for the future, I recommend using either Google Slides, Or Google docs for making better formatted test logs, Other then that, Great work!

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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