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Addendum 008-2 -LR TTexas


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Test log assigned for grading, Please allow for up to 3 days to receive grading.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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Not a bad test idea but your format takes up like 2/3s of every page so I would maybe try to play around with it and see what you like, there is no right or wrong format, so just go on google docs and have fun with it. Nice pictures, Also that's a lonnnnnnng password lmaoo.

|| Former Research Assistant Manager || 

|| Former Gensec 1LT || / || Former Gensec PWD ||

|| Former Maintenance Manager || / || Former Containment Specialist Manager ||

|| Former MTF D5 SSGT || / || Former G9 Draugr G5 ||

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Apologies on the wait.
The overall test idea lacks quite a bit, and isn't something that would peak much interest for the foundation.
I'm not very fond of the brainwash SCP-008 instances idea, and I don't think that the test would be successful in RP; they are literal mindless zombies run by instinct.
Another thing worthy of mentioning is the format. You can tell there's some effort put into the format, but it takes up far too much of the page; making it confusing and difficult to read. Overall, the document lacks in a variety of areas.

Numerical Grade: 62%

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