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treatment of Scp 610 [still on going testing...] From Atlas EXR {Seinor command in RnD}


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Scp- 610 {object class: Keter}


Description: this Scp is know for taking many different shapes and sizes as this Scp is made of a purely organic materially and is usually producing a slimy like substance witch is similar to fish or frog's earlier stages of.  Scp 610 infection look like a bad skin disease after five minutes after infection [note there is  no official height and weight of these SCP's as the mutation patterns witch includes more arms or legs maybe even multiple copies  of organs  of this SCP is completely random} also if a person prior to being infected had a health condition like seizures or bronchitis there bodies would make more lungs to try and counter act the disease inside the scp or will have a constant twitch or body spasm


where was 610 originally found? : where directly found in Russia in two area's near lake Balkalsee or balka lake witch is located in south Russia


how infection spreads: either from consuming or breathing in spores of 610 or being injected with the slime produced by a 610 instance and infected a person or livening thing {they each have a longer gestation period then other ways of infection}

Containment produces\ 610 picture :



Under no circumstance should any personal be near these entities unless approve by 05 personal or by MTF or CI Senior Command Or Gamma or high command!

in the event of a 610 entities breaching containment by MTF\Military{for CI} while non combatants move to Secure lockdown areas and must wear Hazmat of at least Level 3 strength for total safety while.  MTF must used flamethrowers and fully automatic weapons with at least 5.56×45mm strength and above to dispose of Scp 610 instance any chunks or blood that is blow out of or removed must be burned and handle with extreme Caution if being used for research purposes or risk a 610 outbreak

theories on Scp-610 intelligence of some instances

i don't think that 610  have the ability to store or form new memories or new form emotions like a person. But instead will use what the memories from pass experiences in the persons life before becoming infected

Possible cure:

my studies lend me to a  SCP known as Scp 307 ["Carnivorous ivy"] but after breaking down samples of the plant and  [Redacted] it into a Yellow like substance code name DESD-5987 or what've nicknamed it  "De Sucus in Salutem " the juice that heals" had a very interesting affect on 610 samples it caused them to die so after capturing a 610 instance i ejected it with a full dose of DESD the 610 squirmed and rolled around in what appeared to be agony  for about 20 minutes. Also Slime production was increased as well as heart rate showing signs of a reaction  after another 10 minutes 30 minutes overall the flesh slowly turned back to normal skin and a child was seen and the child was clothed and Questioning began 



{if video is short i couldn't post any more then that ]






Edited by ATLAS2130
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