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scp-049 research test log


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Lore Name: gamingtexter
Rank: JR
SCP: 0-49

Question / Idea: so you know if, 0-49 can touch people to make them dead/zombie, im trying to see, if he touches plants or food and it makes them go dead/rotten
Background Research: so i know that 0-49 can touch people to turn people dead, so i feel like they can make other living things dead
Hypothesis:i think the food/plants will turn rotten/dead

Observations (What Happened During Test):well when i saw him touch the burger/plant i saw the plant/burger turning rotten slowly 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:0-49 touching the burger/plant and it started turning rotten

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): idont know, because i dont know what makes scp-049 cause his ability to make, the burgers/plants rotten/dead
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:yes

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Nice Test Idea!

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- Good test Idea 

- Lots of /

- Dont Know bout the test execution

- Noticed Lots of writing Mistakes

- Formatting need an imrovement

- Could be more Descriptive

- Veary Short

- The "Visual Stimuli" is for screenshots you have to describe what happens in the observations


Remember that in logs you can describe events that never happened along with that i would recommend Putting something into google docs and using the build in correction system, it may not all be gone however it will improve. 


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