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SCP-513 Psychological test

shit i missed

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Lore Name: Spin
Rank: JR
SCP: 513

Question / Idea: How does SCP-513 affect different D-class psychologically?
Background Research: Research on different 513 reports, and psychological reviews
Hypothesis: SCP-513 affects different D-Class depending on their current psychological state

Observations (What Happened During Test): One D-class was silent the entire time, while another was swearing about SCP-513-2
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): From what I could see, SCP-513 does affect different people depending on their psychological state. One of them refused to answer, and the other was swearing a lot. Both D-class where given Amnestics afterwards with minimum damage to their psyche. Hopefully.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes. 

(2nd one :D)

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