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Project Eternal-First Addendum


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Object Class: Keter

Test Log 01

SCP-2191-1 stands still in the centre of the Containment Chamber, appearing to be asleep. The Sound of the Reinforced gate screeching open causes it to awake, Two MTF Nu7 'Hammer Down' Units enter the Chamber and Place what appears to be a cup of Human blood on the containment chambers floor. SCP-2191-1 drank the substance which had been drugged with a sedative substance, He fell to the floor unconscious. The Nu7 Unit then drew the blood of SCP-2191-1 who immediately awoke and became extremely agitated attempted a possibly catastrophic containment breach but it was prevented by the Nu7 Units.

Test Log 02

The Synthetization of a formula from the blood of SCP-2191-1 was developed in the research laboratory, Unfortunately the outcome was not immortality without payment. The formula was tested on a D-Class Personnel who didn't come immortal but showed De-Aging signs such as less wrinkles and fat loss, and side effect was the physical inability to digest standard foods causing the D-Class to vomit anything that wasn't blood or meat. The Formula is still in development but this could be the first step into Human Immortality and a possible end to world hunger if a blood and meat substitute can be found.  

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