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Scp 049 Test


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Lore Name: Thomas Skitane
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 049

Question / Idea: I wondered about 049s birth, friends, and cure.
Background Research: I had already studied bits of his past and where he may have come from.
Hypothesis: I believed he would share his cure but only bits of his past.

Observations (What Happened During Test): 049 was not complying and would only share some information/
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: We had 3 mtf and a senior researcher watching yet the researcher turned out to be CI and betrayed us.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The test was in some ways a success yet was ended by the gun fire of Ci and MTF personnel. I escaped with my data in hand.   
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was somewhat correct.

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