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Research Project: COMBINE

vintage dior

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Name and Research Rank:

SC Ketamine


ST Shat

Targeted Results:

The targeted results were the supression of emotion on the battlefield to limit desertion and mental breakdowns.

Actual Results:

The target was left in functional "braindead" state, the subject refused to speak, refused to eat, and refused to seize fire on its target until there was nothing left but a pile of unidentifiable mush.

Procedures performed:

The target was placed in a black box and told they would be safe. The black box was then fired upon for 8 hours (10min IRL). The subjects screams and plea's were ignored. At the 6 hour mark the subject became unresponsive to chit-chat and only responded to commands. At the 8 hour mark he was taken out of the box and walked to TL. At TL the subject was shown its target via holo and told to find them. The subject found its target and began firing until no ammo remained in its pouch. The target was put to sleep and the project was ended.

How could the procedure be improved:

The procedure could be improved by testing it on different subjects with different breaking points. I will also have to find a way to make the target more aware of its orders on the field.


the man behind the poggers.

Oh My God Wow GIF

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