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Ruby's 008 Test


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 SCP-008 test
                                                                                                                     Level 3 clearance required


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Interviewing researcher: Agent “Ruby”
SCP: 008
Guards Attending: E-11 RCU MSGT Blight
D-Class Status: Infected and incinerated.




Test starts:

D-008A is cuffed and taken to SCP-008, the D-class is compliant at first but after getting to 008 with both the Agent and the guard having hazmats on, the D-class seems nervous and start refusing orders

Audio log now:

Agent Ruby: D-008A I simply need you to go into that room and open that canaster, take a deep breath, and then close the container

D-008A: But why do you have hazmat suits on? What if I don't do it!? You won't do shit! I don't know why I'm here but I can tell its not for anything good!

D-008A then attempts to break out of his cuffs, failing and stopping once the guard raises his gun

Agent Ruby: D-008A, I can understand you are scared but I need you to do as you are told otherwise your contract with us will be terminated and you will be put back on death row

The D-class sighs before walking to the door, he is let in, opens the container take a deep breath, closes it, and then passes out, Agent Ruby then enters and moves the D-class to the Research lab for testing, Test results are as followed 

Part of body: Kneecap
Type: Bone
Test: to see if the bone was any more decayed than it was a few moments ago
Outcome: The bone seemed to be quickly decaying yet was somehow hardening

Part of body: face
Type: Eye
Test: Is there anything going on inside the eye
Outcome: When the eye was cut in half instead of the normal juices and blood coming out an odd black sludge came out, much like that made by 035 or that "medicine" that 049 uses

Hypothesis: SCP-008 may simply be one of 049's old experiments that either failed or evolved way more than it ever should have.

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Okay, From a personal standpoint, I don't like this format. From an objective one, This looks like a real log a research field agent would make.

You've got a decent test idea going.

The dialogue doesn't feel that stilted and stiff. Still feels a bit weird for a prison convict to use perfect grammar.

Note: eww eyeball stuff */me uncomfortable*

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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2 hours ago, Jummy said:


Okay, From a personal standpoint, I don't like this format. From an objective one, This looks like a real log a research field agent would make.

You've got a decent test idea going.

The dialogue doesn't feel that stilted and stiff. Still feels a bit weird for a prison convict to use perfect grammar.

Note: eww eyeball stuff */me uncomfortable*

Thank you for this, I'll keep what you said in mind for my future test logs.


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