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Ceese Safe Class Manager Application.


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Current Rank: LR

Time in Research (Estimate):1-2 months (don't take my word on that)

Why do you believe you should be in Research Command, and what can you bring to the table that others can't? (150 word requirement):I believe I should be in research command because I am very active and If I am not on the job you can just DM me and I can get on at anytime. I also socialize with the new people of research and even help them on their first test, so they can get used to the server or even research in general. I have also attended many mass tests because I love to see people's Ideas and  make ideas of my own during those tests. That's why I believe my drive and experience will help me Host great mass tests. I also love Adding SCP lore and  SCP's that are not on site to tests so the server and research doesn't get repetitive and boring and it's just fun in general to try something new. I have also had many researchers ask me to view their test documents  and I haven't been able to grade them. I wish I could grade the test logs is because I have seen so many good ones that I would like to be the one to grade. One last reason I would want to be a safe class manager is I would like to do tests on 682 because It's hard to get a really good RP test during a mass test because there are so many people and so little time.

What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):Some things that I would do to better research is I would like to start a project where if a JR,AR or Researcher wants to see a test that they can't do I would like to show them to give them motivation to keep playing researcher and to tell their friends about how cool testing on SCP's is. Another thing i would like to do is I would like to start showing RIG units more love and give the best RIG unit of the week all the money I have on me after the week. This would help new and veteran researchers with getting escorts and this could improve how many tests are conducted so more SCP knowledge. I would also like so host mass tests that rely heavily on you knowing SCP lore I don't see a lot of researchers using SCP lore in tests examples include SCP's that are not on the site or just SCP's that don't have much of a purpose like SCP-1499


Thank you for reading If you got this far. 

Sincerely, Ceese 

Edited by ceese

 Former Research Manager| EXP medic |MTF E11 CPL FartDaddy37
AKA The guy who stole Rektifys rank

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