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SCP-1025 Test


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JR Sandman

Junior Researcher



 Can a subject survive reading SCP-1025 more than four times? What is the average times a subject can read before dying?

      This SCP is a book of human diseases that if you read you will gain the disease. 

      I believe the subject will most likely perish from a fatal disease after reading the book more than 4 times. On average, I estimate after a 50% chance of dying out of four times.

     First subject (D-Class), read SCP-1025 and started reporting feelings of severe chest pain. Shortly the first subject died from cardiac arrest. Second subject, upon reading SCP-1025 once, spontaneously combusted, resulting in a grueling death. There was a lot of screaming but nothing to worry about. Third subject, also spontaneously combusted upon reading SCP-1025 once, this one was a lot quieter, I believe he mentioned having accepted death. Fourth subject, was able to survive three times! The first time the fourth subject read SCP-1025, he started to complain about the room being too dark until he completely lost his vision for one minute. He was scared out of his mind and kept begging me and the security officer escorting me to let him go and see his family. On an unrelated note, I believe the fourth subject was delirious as he had been sentenced to death for murdering his entire family. Anyhow, the second time the fourth subject read SCP-1025 he began to cough violently and seemed to have trouble breathing for the remainder of the test. The third and final time the fourth subject read SCP-1025, he seemed to also complain of severe chest pain and began desperately pleading to see his family. He died shortly after. 


Analysis / Conclusion: SCP-1025 does indeed give diseases to those who read about said diseases. It is very likely a subject will die if attempting to read the book at least 4 times.

 It seems I was a little off in my hypothesis. I hypothesized that a subject would die 50% of the time, but my results showed that 99% of the time a subject will die if attempting to read SCP-1025 at least 4 times. Further testing will be needed to make this more accurate. 


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