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Schittlips Safe Class Manager Application


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Application Format:

Name: Schittlips

Current Rank: Lead Researcher

Time in Research (Estimate): 5 months

Why do you believe you should be in Research Command, and what can you bring to the table that others can't? (150 word requirement):

As a relatively long time member of research, I’ve gained an intimate understanding of the research branches rules and protocols. This understanding of research would make me a great fit for command, as I understand exactly what makes the branch tick. This will let me enforce our policies effectively and efficiently, as I have a deep understanding of why they’re necessary. I am also able to be extremely active on the server, and even more active on the discord. I am almost always available on discord, even when I’m not on the server. I believe availability is an important quality in a command member. I am also extra willing to do important activities other members of command may see as tedious, such as test log grading, and assisting and mentoring the lower ranks of our branch, such as Juniors and Assistant Researchers, who may have not gotten the lay of the land yet, and require a guiding hand. As an authority figure, I adopt a policy of mediation and de-escalation when resolving conflicts, and make an effort to be affable, yet professional, having a good instinct for when it’s ok to joke around, and when it’s time to get serious. I believe this is an important quality for command, as it helps make my fellow researchers more comfortable, and makes me more approachable, without compromising my ability to do my job. As a player my RP style also fits hand in hand with a leading position. I tend to approach all RP situations as if they are improv scenes. As you may know, the golden rule of improv is to never say No, and never shut people down, instead building off the ideas they’ve presented. In RP this leads to players feeling like their ideas are heard and that they are active participants in RP, which leads to a richer experience, and makes them more comfortable flexing their creative juices in research. I believe all these qualities combined would make me an excellent member of command, as I can be professional, approachable, fair, and hardworking, all of which are important qualities for members of command.

Addendum: The times where I can be most active are times of day and days where I rarely see other members of command online. For example, early mornings on weekdays. If made command I could help fill this relatively inactive time slot.


What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

I believe that the most endearing qualities of research as a branch are the player interaction it affords, and the unique and enriching RP situations it can get players into. And my policy when bettering research and increasing activity, will be to increase this player interaction, as well as the quality of that player interaction, and providing more unique RP opportunities for my fellow researchers. I plan to accomplish this by working closely with the command of other branches to find ways that the research branch can be included in their everyday operations, and planning interbranch activities such as PT’s. I also plan to incentivize conducting tests involving other players, whether they’re D-Class, Military, other researchers, or other RP heavy branches like maintenance or medical, as I believe the interaction with other players is what makes tests so fun to conduct. Having fun on the job will increase player retention, leading to increased activity, increased test conducting, and overall enriching RP on the whole server. I also plan to work closely with event team members to plan more research oriented events, as well as incentivize researchers to participate in and log these events, as these events provide unique RP opportunities that are fun and enriching, and a welcome break from the pressure of conducting new tests regularly. I would also like to create large scale branch wide projects that many researchers can participate in together. These would involve conducting tests centered around a central theme, and building on a lore together as a branch. Needless to say I also plan to regularly conduct mass tests, with a focus on creativity and bonding between researchers, as a sense of comradery is important to our branch's operation.



Edited by voobis
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Good Researcher and Good Application 

The Fact that you can De-escalate situations well grants you my support

 i would love to see how well you would do with command!


Edited by lUCI
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