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SCP-049 cross test with SCP-966


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Test log 1 of Cross test

Date of test 3/13/2021

Hello my name is Kurt and my rank is lead Researcher, and today I will be discussing my finding on the cross test for SCP-049 and SCP-966.

The question or hypothesis I ask was whether or not SCP-049 is affected by the waves emitted from SCP-966, and if he is affected then is his cure less effected due to sleep fatigued. Then me second question is SCP-966 affected by SCP-049 cure and can it be turned into a SCP-049 instances.

Test begin

SCP-049 begins to examine 966 and ask has it been feed recently, he then notes that it most likely eats human and is not of human origin. I ask 049 if he was affected by the waves emitted from SCP-966, He responded by saying he does not need sleep and is not affected by any waves emitted saying, " Nothing shall stop my work not even sleep for the pestilence is to great of a threat for even sleep to matter." After that I ask if he could sense the pestilence and if he could turn 966 into 049-1 instance. He then proceeded to studied the creature then after 10 mins turned him into a 049-1 instance. after this, guards escorted 049 out of the cell, after that guards proceeded to kill the 049-1 instance.


SCP-049 is immune to fatigue or sleep depravation and his cure is not limited on human like beings. I hope to further test SCP-049 later on in the future

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