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SCP-173 Blindfold test.

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Please note this test was done in collaboration with AR Researcher Dauod.
Lore Name: R. Redfield
Rank: AR
SCP: 173

Question / Idea: If a subject is introduced too SCP-173 while bland-folded will SCP-173 attack the subject.
Background Research: During previous testing of SCP-173 the SCP attackers anyone and anything that brakes visual contact with the anomaly after laying eyes on it with Extreme speed and precision. (Researcher notes this bares a resemblance too SCP-096...but in reverse.) So research suggests the SCP will only attack subjects if direct eye-contact was established in the first place.
Hypothesis: My Hypothesis for this experiment in collaboration with AR Daoud is the SCP-173 cannot (or will not) attack a test subject who never established Direct Eye-contact with SCP-173 even in its direct vicinity.

Observations (What Happened During Test): During testing a Blind-folded Class-D Subject was brought into the SCP-173 Containment/Testing chamber. The Subject was restrained to the floor and blind folded as me, a security officer and Dr. Daoud observed. When the subject was left alone restrained in the chamber the SCP had no reaction too his presence. However this is because the SCP-173 new we were watching through the test chamber (Other instanced of the SCP being aware of even covert surveillance can be noted in other previous test-logs.) So doctor Daoud closed the shutters too the testing chamber, then opened them back up again. when the shutters were opened SCP-173 was standing directly infront of the blind-folded subject. The subject was unharmed and oblivious to the SCPs location. However after a short Period of observing Dr. Daoud proceeded too open the containment chamber without notifying me or security and leaving the observation area too enter the test chamber too un restraint and unblind-fold the subject. Related documentation of this, IE: Footage and photos were lost after this event. This coupled with the events that unfolded shortly after nearly led too a class 3 to 4 Euclid Containment breach. Details of incident can be viewed in the Incident report related too this Document.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: (Unfortunately my cam didn't work when i tried too get a pic of 173 standing right infront of him when he was blindfolded)



Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It was my Analysis that SCP-173 Was well ware of the Class-Personnel's location, and when we cut visuals with the anomaly too allow it too move freely in the test chamber. And not only was it well-aware of the subjects location it was actively Observing the subject. And the anomaly either couldn't or wouldn't attack. It is my opinion that SCP-173 Can only attack when direct eye-contact has been established THEN Broken. It appears the Other then the security incident instigated by Dr. Daoud this experiment id say was a successful experiment and provided some useful insight into SCP-173.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.

Edited by AlexanderTheGeek
Spelling/Grammar fixes/Wrote Rank Wrong
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