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SCP-106 injection test


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Name: Luci 

Rank: LR

SCPs: 106

Who was with you?: an escort and a medic. 

Point of the test: Seeing what would happen if we inject a Class-D with SCP-106-1


Note: SCP-106-1 is the designation given to the liquid SCP-106 protrudes.


This Class-D(D-19563) has been Chosen for this test due to a high resistance against acidic material and a previous confrontation with SCP-106.


[On Injection]

D-195363 displayed very little pain and stated that: "It feels like something is crawling in my veins" hinting towards a possible entity comprised of SCP-106-1 that forms if it is consumed or given a suitable environment.

Despite this D-195363 displayed very little pain. 


[3 minutes after original Injection]

D-195363s Veins started to turn into a black-ish color. When asked about it The Class-D denied feeling or seeing a difference on his skin. Shortly after D-195363 displayed a reaction of severe pain on the point of injection along with 

right shoulder and lounges before calming down again and reporting that the pain had greatly reduced.


[2nd injection] 

D-195363 Displayed symptoms of sleep deprivation along with sore skin on both points of injection. The Class-D reported an irresistible urge to scratch himself on the sore spots, if done so D-195363 would scratch off his skin seemingly without 



[2 Minutes after 2nd injection]

D-195363 had began coughing uncontrollably for approximately 3 minutes before calming down and screaming due to intense pain in his stomach. When asked he reported: "Something is eating away at me in there".


[3rd injection]

D-195363 began to cough uncontrollably and puke up more samples of SCP-106-1 mixed with human blood. When brought to medbay and given ketamine, an Arm-like appendage formed on D-195363s shoulder(D-195363 Now designated SCP-106-3).

Once fully formed the appendage started to grab after the Doctor trying to do surgery, appendage removed without incident. After this an autopsy was performed on SCP-106-3 which revealed that his organs had been enveloped by SCP-106-1 and started to 

slowly dissolve. Shortly after this discovery SCP-106-3 began to sweat SCP-106-1 causing the Evacuation and airtight locking of the interrogation room. Once fully enveloped SCP-106-3s skin began to melt until only 67% of his body mass was left

once that was reached SCP-106-1 production had stopped and SCP-106-3 began to wake up and got cuffed shortly by the combined efforts of LR Luci and OR3.


Addendum 1: SCP-106-3

SCP-106-3 has in temporary containment shown that it is invincible to any physical harm that is not caused by any kind of incendiary weapon, along with this he has shown to be highly hostile and dangerous to foundation personnel using the ability to

pull Humans into SCP-106s pocket dimension by dragging them inside of a puddle composed of SCP-106-1.


SCP-106-3 has been stored at site-10 in temporary Keter Containment before being shipped off to Site-19 for further containment in a spare SCP-106 cell.


Addendum 2: Incident Report.



<Recovering data. . .>

<Recovery Failed>

<Recovering Available data>


"Thanks Mitchel- Uhhhh i mean OR3" *Gunshots* 


<End of Document>

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