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SCP 111 Temperment Test


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Grade: 90/100

Lore: 25/25 All lore seems correct.

Creativity: 23/25 Seems pretty creative; although a little bland.

Presentation:17/25 Many errors here, kept the bland color scheme (I suggest changing some colors in the log), did not delete default stuff (such as *What happened during the test follow up with an Audio/Video Log.), forgot to include ranks, and included "REDACTED" for no apparent reason.

Writing: 25/25 Writing seemed good to me.

Test Quality: Exceeds Expectations!

Extra Notes: So I am very confused on the "REDACTED" person, the only  other person you mention is an Alpha personnel so I am assuming they are the same person; Alpha's are not redacted whatsoever, if the person stated they did not want there names in the log simply put "Alpha personnel". But besides that and not removing things that should have been, it was very well written and fairly creative.


Current: [REDACTED]

Former: E11 COL | Deputy Head of FTOs | CI SRIC/LCPL

"We die in the dark so that others can live in the light."


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