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interrogation log


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Researcher: [Rank Name] R jaay


Supervisor: CI CPL Sentry


Observation 1-A: i Interrogated a MP and had multiple "discovers"

. *Crackling Noise*


.<Start Audio Log>


[Opening and closing of a door is heard, followed by a few footsteps as 2 people enter the room.]

Foundation Researcher: “Well, look who decided to show up, what is it you want?”


R jaay: “Information.  and you pat him Down.”


MP : “I've seen worse shit then what you could do”


[Footsteps are heard, followed by the sounds of a gun shot heard and various other torture devices]


MP: “Oh . . .”


[the sounds of yelling start and various other torture devices , the interrogation has begun]


.<End Audio Log>

Observation 1-A: we got a disc containing SCP-079 and a 420-J and a lot more SCP drives from when he gets back

Error/Safety Hazards: NA

Conclusion: we have copies of almost every SCP which contain a lot of info on them and we breached multiple  SCPS




Location Unknown 

Research Log Filed

Edited by oshi
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