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SCP-173 "Test of Wit"


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Lore Name: Vox Velvet
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 173

Question / Idea: How efficient is SCP-173 at traversing complex corridors with dead-ends to find its prey?
Background Research: SCP-173 has been previously noted to be able to roam the facility when breached to find and discover humans to kill. However, it has not been fully proven whether or not 173 has a sixth sense of sorts to know the exact layout of the facility and location of other humans.
Hypothesis: My Hypothesis is that SCP-173 will aimlessly roam until a human is found, and doesn't really have any special sixth sense to discover other peoples locations.

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-173 hit a couple dead-ends before eventually finding the hidden path which led to the Class-D. It did seem to know there were humans nearby, but didn't know the layout of the maze.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: image.thumb.png.6ad230c8d370672d3d4eac5994e64558.png

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-173 may be able to sense when other humans are nearby, but I can conclude that it does not have any sixth sense to traverse complex and unexplored layouts.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.

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