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Scp-294 Test


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Lore Name:Nuke
Rank:Junior Scientist
SCP: 294

Question / Idea: What would happend if we type blood 
Background Research: In my research i presume there may be some process that will create this "blood".
Hypothesis:If we type Blood into the machine, the machine will somehow spit blood into the cup.

Observations (What Happened During Test): The D-class typed in: Blood, then a red liquid started filling the cup, and the drinked it, the d-class died seconds after.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:When he died the cup fell and blood went out of the cup.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Typing blood in Scp 294, will take the subject blood and instert it into the cup, since DNA tests proven that the blood in the cup was the same blood as the class-d.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes, but it didn't create blood, it took blood from the subject who typed it.

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