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Doctor's Prescribed Poison


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Grade: 92/100

Lore: 25/25 Seems to be based in lore, no issue with it.

Creativity: 25/25 Never seen anyone attempt to weaponize the serum in bullets.

Presentation: 18/25 Very dull, would suggest adding some colors and changing some default things to make it a bit more unique. Also, deducting a large amount of points due to the test log audio file not being the test, its just you taking the serum (should've included the testing of the bullets and the subsequent failure of it).

Writing: 24/25 Very minor spelling issues. Make sure you check capitalization and punctuation.

Test Quality: Exceeds Expectations!

Extra Notes: The main part of the test log is it's audio/video log, you made the audio basically just you getting the serum, not the actual test. Next time I suggest making the audio/video log cover the main and actual part of the test. Keep up the good work!

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Current: [REDACTED]

Former: E11 COL | Deputy Head of FTOs | CI SRIC/LCPL

"We die in the dark so that others can live in the light."


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