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The varying effects of SCP-1025


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Name:Adam  Current Rank:JR  Who else was with you:2 Class D(ICE)(BigBlackToe83) and both times security officer(eleebeit) What you were trying to find out:What different effects SCP-1025 can cause when in contact with humans in this case the class D i brought along What happened During The Test:(I did this test 2 different times both causing different effects)At first i ordered the class D to interact with the SCP different ways jumping on it,punching it, but never opening it. AT first there was no reaction causing me to think that the book didn't care about humans messing with it. Then i ordered him to open it,to my surprise he burst into flames but the cause of the was a heart attack, This was curious and unexpected because i didn't think the scp would cause death that quickly. The second time around i just ordered the class d to open it nothing beforehand and he just froze as if he had turned to stone and when i looked he had, His body was completely incased in stone and he seemed to have still been alive somehow his face was the only thing not covered with stone so he communicated with me that he couldn't move, This was astonishing he had become petrified (Sorta) and was still breathing which was surprising considering SCP-1025's reaction last time. I documented it and took the Class D to the infirmary where he was "taken care of".

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7 minutes ago, KillerboyYT said:

Then i ordered him to open it,to my surprise he burst into flames

did he get spontaneous combustion?

Current: Security DCoS | SM | DHFW | EXCM | RMS | FTO | Secret Service DCOO

Retired: Nu-7 CPT

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Grade: Euclid (70)

format: I once again suggest you space your paragraphs, it gets confusing to read sometimes. I once again suggest google docs. I once again ask that you work on your spelling as I found multiple errors

creativity: the most creative part of this test was the D-Class punching 1025. It is already known how SCP-1025 affects those around it. 

I once again hope you take my critique to hearts and do better next time 


RRH Analyst Lima-3;

Sarkic Archon General;

Former-Omicron-9 2LT Saw;

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