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SO Application


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What is your ingame name?: Jordan

What is your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:31806649

What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:Midshipmen

What specialty are you applying for?:Security Officer

What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:Admiral RJ

What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I believe I will be able to improve the Security Branch with my knowledge of being Shock on other servers. I mainly used to play as Shock so I know most of the in's and out's of the battalion so i would believe that would carry over to becoming an Officer for Security. I also am an amazing trainer. So if any trooper needs to learn something i'll make sure to teach him to the best of my ability. And I know with this rank i wouldn't abuse it. I will follow the rules and make sure people aren't minging about and make sure everyone is feeling happy and having a good time.

Why should you be trusted with this position?:Because of my vast knowledge of being in shock and Navy on other servers.  I personally think I have been a great help for the Navy since I have joined. I haven't slipped up on anything so I think that also adds to being more trusted for the position and knowing that I will be able to help people on anything what they need to learn

Why do you want this rank?:I want this rank because I know I am able to help Shock and DT out more. I think if I get this rank i'll be able to greatly help them with everything. From activity, promotions, training and much more.  I just want to make sure all of the security regiments are up to top shape and feel happy within the regiment they are in and I know for certain I will be able to help them in atleast one way.

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:I understand.

What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:To be one of the faces of the Security on the ship. Help train the security forces on the ship.  Make sure the ship in just a safer place to be on and minges aren't running around rdming everyone. And bring new respect to the Security of the ship. I want people to look at the Shock and DeathTroopers and want to become one and not disrespect them everytime they see them and I know i'll be able to help that happen one day


-Jordan2000, Warrior of the North-East of England


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