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Grandpa SO application

Grandpa Kiwi

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1. What is your ingame name?: Grandpa 
2. What is your SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:100948544 (My name on steam is No Name
3. What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipmen
4. What specialty are you applying for?:  SO

5. What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply? Classy 

6. What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?   I will make sure that shock are a little more active and if they are not able I will try and get people who are more active on my time into the battalion. Also I will increase the training of shock and DT so that they can be more experienced and ready to face any threat head on with ease. I will also crack down on people who minge or miss behave in shock or even DT as it is unexeptibale and with the responsibilities of both battalions minges should not be allowed in them 

7. Why should you be trusted with this position?:  I am a active player on Naval and in general I don't mess around and if I see others doing it will tell them to stop and if they continue i will report them to their higher ups for messing around if its major if not I will speak to them and tell them to stop as they are part of a battalion and they should be showing others that the battalion that they are in is serious. I am a trusted individual as I don't disobey orders and will listen to them but if they are orders that lead me to something that could effect the ISD or troops on board in a bad way. I will change it and find a way to complete the order in a way that could minimalizese the effect of it causing harm or fatalities. 

 Why do you want this rank? I want this rank as I want to improve shock even more and make them more of a greater battalion and the same with DT .I want these two battalions to become well respected and liked in the other battalions. Also I want to help the shock who get on earlier learn who are not high ranking what to do and what not to do as well as give training to shock that they haven't yet seen or been trained in.

9. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes I fully understand that

10. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: To look after shock and make sure that they are doing their jobs and have been stationed at the right place. In DT I believe it is to make sure that no DT are doing anything wrong and if so make sure they know its wrong if its minor but if it a major issue I will report it to DT high command.  I also make sure that any minges that are onboard are dealt with quickly so that they do not ruin others fun and enjoyment on the server.

Edited by No Name
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-Really Dedicated

-Is fit for the job

-Has been in DT and impressed everybody no cap

-Nice guy overall


-Good naval

-Good Application

Edited by [GL] Deez




Former: DT CPT , CGO - Tenn Graneet 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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