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[challenge] SCP-999 temperature test

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Grade: 75/100

Lore: 25/25

Creativity: 15/25

Presentation: 20/25

Writing: 15/25

Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

Extra Notes: Good test, creativity would be higher due to the general lack of temperature based tests but this is a challenge so it was more obvious. Try to add a bit more creative flare to your writing, describe certain actions a little bit more, using video log instead of audio log works great for this as you can describe certain movements/actions with more detail, would of been interesting if you tested how SCP - 999 reacted to quick change in temperature from cold to hot, like if you were to have them enter the cold one then immediately the hot one. Perhaps a more drastic temperature change would have caused something interesting to happen. Remember you do have some creative liberties when doing tests.

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