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173 Test


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Full Name: Dang


Current Position: AR


Date: 03/03


Location: RND Room


SCPs Involved: SCP 173


CI Personal Involved: A donator HVY Jasper and Astric who was watching me


Supervised by: (only use this is the test was supervised by SVR+) N/A


Foundation Personal: N/A


Hypothesis: I believe when I use the magnet to see if 173 is magnetic will fail because he is made out of rock because rock is none magnetic at all.


Observation 1-A: So I made sure 3 people where staring at 173 whilst I was cutting 173 open to check what was in its chest, as when I used a magnet next to 173 it attracted 173 to the magnet suggesting he has some type of metal in his body. We layed 173 on a large table in which we strapped his waste to the table so he could not move. I had to use a large drill and saw in which was slowly cutting through his rock structure until we entered 173 inner organs. Amazing we found a new metal substance that has never been seen before so I named it DOPCTUR metal. I then took a large sample of the metal, and slowly repaired 173s body  so it is stable. I then used this metal to make special bullets to see the power of them in a gun!




Observation 1-B: there was no audio log as most of it was just crunching noises.



Errors or Safety Hazards: I had to use a fellow ci to test the bullet which was made out of  DOPCTUR metal.



Conclusion:  Ok so I found out the DOPCTUR metal we found when used as bullets does a lot more damage on a human body when shot at somebody this is great as we can use this bullets to kill people quicker. Also this metal is perfect to make bullet proof and bomb proof armour as it deflects energy from items so if a bullet is fired the armour stop the energy of thee bullet in which is then deflected of the armour from the metal. 


Sorry about the English or spelling, I have Dyslexia which makes my English writing and spelling very bad.


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