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CI app


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What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):
Military Please

How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? well if it is like 1-10 about a 5 or 6

Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

ive been trying to get into CI for days (actully like 24 hours in real time spent of me trying to break out and get trained for ci) and just something about ci i just really like it and want to be apart of it and one of my friends keeps begging me to join ci because hes in it and i hope you feel the way i do when reading this and yea this is it to this question

What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

i am a very good aimer and i know every area i know where to go i know and i think  that im a very good role player

How active can you be?

i am on every day for 3-6 hours and i have 1 week in time on the server

Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:


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Please contact me in discord or Teamspeak to arrange a training. September/ The Corner#0763


~CI Major/Senior Moderator Corner

 “I choose my attitude. On many mornings, it can be difficult. Yet I choose to be a victor, not a victim. I choose to be better, not bitter. I select life over death. I pick blessings over brokenness." 





Loves Corners, Corner. Corner. 

Former Imperial Commandos VCMDR Fixer 


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