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File case #0002 About-999


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Current Position: Assistant Researcher




Date:  11/27/ [Redacted]


Location: Site 05, Location Unknown [


SCPs Involved: 999, Location Unknown


Hypothesis: 999 Would have some type of organ or brain, something like us human have


Observation 1-A: (999 Was AFK through most of the test) Other AR helped me contain it


Researcher: CI (Redacted) Nerd

Subject: 999


.*Crackling Noise*

[Begin Audio Log] 

(A sound of a Airlock bursting open can be heard from the distance, as so Footprints can be heard entering from a opening doorway)


AR Nerd: Today, D class Personnel, you will be part of a test. You will listen to my command or be terminated by my Command.

(Class D Listens up and looks ready to be tested on)

AR Nerd: I need you to put your hand into 999 and get a grip on what you can and rip it out

(Class D does so, Candy burst a bit out of 999)

 AR Nerd: Okay..., Eat the candy and tell me how it taste.

( Class D Eats the candy)

Class D personnel:  It doesn't taste that good.

AR Nerd: I'm going to put 2 bullets into the Slime, I need you to locate them and tell me where you found them.

(Gunshots can be heard from the distance)

(Screams are heard from 999 in fear, but had not hurt him)

(Class D Locates the bullets)


Class D personnel: I found one in somewhat might be the rear  and the other in It's Head.


AR Nerd: Okay so Now I need you to St-


(Explosion was heard from distance and shots fired)


[End of log]


Observation 1-B:  Couldn't been done




Errors or Safety Hazards: Raided by MTF


Conclusion: That 999 Is not killable, and a bit of somewhat human.

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