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Extension to the previous test on SCP-173's reactions to objects

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Form Title: [SCP-173] ~ Research (5/26/19)

Rank: Junior Researcher

Clearance Level: 2

List of Personnel involved in testing: Junior researcher Jemp

Level D personnel involved: none

SCP: 173

Errors and/or safety hazards: When removing the objects, SCP 173 could have been able to escape but this was minimised through use of careful tactics.

Question: What will SCP 173 do when 5 inanimate, human like object are places near it?

Background Research: SCP 173 will kill any living thing that is not looking at it. My previous test shows proof that SCP-173 will attack human like object and this this test, more objects and the same 2 are being used to see if there were any different reactions

Hypothesis: If SCP 173 has 5 human like inanimate objects placed in it's CC, It will attempt to break it's neck or neck like structure.

Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): the items used in this test were a snowman, a bust, a Watermelon witha face drawn on it and a hat, a baby toy and a human skull of D-[REDACTED].

Setup of test  https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/807746267745598286/587D5104FB27222851311CB2E4E689D8C622CEA7/

Results of test https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/807746267745597582/4417A9A2C539DBC6C383953E30B86D3B650FB05F/

Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-173 was successful in destroying all 5 object. Once again, the snowman head was destroyed when SCP-173 tried to break it's neck like a human. SCP-173 was successful in destroying the bust this time unlike the last test. when SCP-173 approached the skull, instead of attempting the snap the neck, it crushed the skull instead. when SCP-173 moved on to the baby toy. It also completely destroyed it, possibly in an attempt to break it's neck. finally, SCP-173 broke the watermelon in the same manner that it did the skull. from both the previous test and this test. I have come to the conclusion that SCP-173 does react to inanimate human object aggressively and will attack or destroy anything of the like.

Do your results align with your hypothesis?: My results do align with my hypothesis as SCP-173 did attack the objects and successfully broke or destroyed them.

Edited by [IG] Seinfeld
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