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Joyner MLK Information/Recruitment


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(Information) In Joyner MLK  What we most likey do is host Drag races we rob Places (Banks,Houses,Stores) Sometimes we Fight with other Gangs Also We have Black out cars in the Joyner MLK Because bitcoins got removedJoyner MLK Found a new way to make Money Yes we use printers,Weed, And Money Silo But the Thing that makes the most is very important i made around 3.5 mill i n 1 hour Im not going to say what the Thing that makes the most money but i will tell you around 100-200k Everytime its not robbing the bank its something way better Join and find out Also We dont like people that join and leave if you do that you will be baned off of Joyner MLK(Recruitment)- If you would like to be Recruited Just let me know on the forms theirs no questions that  you got to Fill out but their is Colors,Names,Guns we have 1 kind of car color  So like black colors  ars mp7,ak,gail,deg,mp7,awp,scar,Every pistol, every rife,mp5, every Shotgun, Nothing More, we also carry armor on (Please try to be nice to staff i get mad so i say bad stuff and get warned for it but i stoped now and if you want to join you have to be Kind to staff) Also My Name Might be changeing a lot  And when you Read this and you want to join Just Change your name (Name) then put MLK in ur last name 

Update Now we will Now Restart with the money And become Thugs Only black cars 

The google docs that gives all the rules! We got an CEO Sam Mercenary so when im not on ask him to train!!


To Join just Send the questions you have in the comments and i will be sure to send you the info you need!! we are Now protecting people for money high ranks 250k-115k and lower ranks 95k-155k

Edited by =psycho=-
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