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Hawkeye's Forum Diplomat Application - Accepted


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In-Game Name: Hawkeye


Steam Name: WolfKing140



STEAM_0:0:461555742 / 76561198883377212


What is your staff rank and the server you work in?

Senior Mod / Imperial RP


How long have you been a part of the Gaminglight community?

Since 2019


How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight?

2 months /  When I was an Admin (2 years)


How often are you online on the forums?


I'm on the forums every day. It's a habit by now, and I enjoy staying connected with what's happening in the community.


Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?


Now to give a good detailed answer to these questions I have brought over a couple of lines from my support app 


I've been with this server for a very long time and have learned a lot about it; most of what I've learned has to do with how people behave and operate. I want to help as much as I can. As for support, I had to respond to a lot of inquiries from lower-ranking staff throughout my roughly four years as a SeniorGM/Admin on the server. Now that I've returned from my trip, I've forgotten a few things, so I had to start over and observe staff members to see how they operate and behave. This has become a significant part of what I am.

(Now reading over these I can see many different ways that I have been in this staff team but many people don’t know why I even joined in the first place well that was to make this server the best it could be and back when I first left I thought this server would do better without old players holding it back. But then I started thinking why not use my past to help people keep going on the server and I came back now. When I first even applied to join the staff now I am not going back to when I just applied a few months ago but I am talking about when I first applied to join the staff in the first place I joined to help the server grow and that is what I did I started to talk to YouTubers helping them on the server to host videos and by coming for more people to join the server.)


Now As I've mentioned previously, I've spent a lot of hours on Gmod, and the majority of those hours were spent on GL when I initially joined the server back in 2019. However, that doesn't include the time I joined as a Minge and played on other servers. I pledged to Head GM Emily that I would become the best GM this server has ever seen when I first joined, and I still want to fulfill that promise. I started as a GM and worked my way up to become the best I could.


Now during my time playing on the server, I have learned a lot about the community and how things work here not only have I been here for a while I have been here every day playing and helping players find their way around so now I know a lot about Imperial as well as many of the other server now I haven’t been apart of the other servers before only joined them for a few times but never really played them that is why I plan on joining and growing my knowledge that is one big thing about me I work to build my knowledge about new things about the servers and how they work I have started going into other teamspeaks to learn more about there player base and how they like GL I want to be someone that everyone can have fun with. During my time while I was a Senior GM / Admin, I worked to keep myself from being forgotten. But something I remembered while playing on the server I shouldn’t be looking to make myself the best on the but I should be working to push others to become better. 


I have been using forums for a very long time not just on GL but when I used to own my server on Gmod I had to learn how to build Forums from the ground up so I know a lot of the commands on the forums now something about me I don’t care to ask for help if I am lost or don’t know what to do. A lot of people will just do nothing and not ask for help if they don’t know what to do but I will ask for help if I need it and if others need help I will be there for them because that is one thing about me I will be helping someone and even if it takes all day or night I will stay on to help and make sure they are getting everything ready. I am a big believer that everyone is the same and everyone should be treated the same. A lot of people will read my app and see that I write a lot but something about me writing all these I want you to understand that I am willing to do anything to help this server no matter how long or how much I need to write.


Would you consider yourself to have good judgment? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision.


Once, there was a fight between two members with completely different outlooks. It was a hard balance because they were both right, but the tension!! But what I did was take the time to sit and talk with both sides, actually get where they were coming from, and then find common ground. So, it ended up being a balance of respecting everyone's opinions and points of view.


This has been stated many times throughout all the apps I have been a staff on here before and have learned how to deal with minges and people who thought they could just break the rules and get away with it  I have seen it all from YouTubers thinking they could get away with mass RDM because they are YouTubers to normal players threatening the server. 


Now I have spoken about my time in GL for a while and have talked about how I used to do these and that but has a Senior Mod on the server now I have dealt with a lot of people trying to get away with things like RDM and saying words they shouldn’t be. Now with these, I had to use my judgment to get both sides of the story when I used to be a staff member back in the day all I saw was people only hearing one side of the story but with me being a senior mod now I make sure to get the full story most people lie that is why we must all always learn about what is going on the server and the forums because I had to look into the forums to make sure they were not doing something they should have been.


How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?


The First thing I would hide the message and make sure to look into what they were doing on the forums then I would follow the format we have for reporting content “

1) Hide the offending post(s).


2) Determine if a forum warning is appropriate. If so, inform a Senior Diplomat or the Head Diplomat who will then issue a warning if appropriate.


3) If a situation is urgent and requires it to be addressed immediately and the Head Diplomat is unavailable, inform an SMT member via Discord or TeamSpeak.


4) Log any actions in the #topic-punishments channel in the Staff Discord.

If someone is spamming the forms because they're upset about a server ban, reach out to them privately. Reasonably, we need to understand why they are so upset and how we may validate their claims productively. Once done inform them that breaking the rules isn’t a good to vent. They will be getting an Appropriate Warning or / ban if it is a lot of spam on many different tabs. 


{Hide - Hiding a post conceals it from being seen by regular users browsing the forums. Forum posts may only be hidden for violating a forum rule. The Diplomat hiding a post is required to include a reason the post is being hidden. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.}

– During these times I always like to go back to the handbook and make sure everything is how the Head Of Diplomat likes it making sure that GL is a safe place for everyone


How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?


Whenever that happens I would intervene in a non-assertive way and calmly remind both users what our forum is about - respect, constructive conversation, etc. Able in his warning appeal as well to the matter of facts, keep it civil. And other times it will be beneficial to move the discussion outside... either to a DM or a better-suited thread where we have Forum diplomats who can talk to them about it.


I would first refer to the Forum Diplomat Message. Tell them that only +/- supports are allowed to be posted in this tab, please either contact a staff member of your server or speak to a Forum Diplomat. Then I would DM them asking them for both sides of the story


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Good application and very detailed. Seems like you have good judgement and good knowledge on staffing.

- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

FBI  Director 1K-21 | HRT Overseer  | UMC LVL 5 

Reserves: Trooper MAJ  | CERT 2LT  | State Head FTO  | EMS LT

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•Well written
•Has staff experience and prior staff experience
•Decently active

[Former] | Brigadier General, Shock Commander, R Shock COL, Pyke Muscle II marquis of the low table Mugs |
[Former] | 
Super Admin |

|Imperial Justice Department Chimaera Legion|
"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" -BioShock

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  • Head of Staff

Please speak with the Senior Diplomat for your server for training!

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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