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Jerry's Forum Diplomat Application - Denied


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[GL] Jerry



What is your staff rank and the server you work in?

Senior Moderator, ImperialRP

How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community?

Around 2 years.

How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight?

5 months.

How often are you online on the forums?


Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?

 I believe I am qualified to be a forum diplomat because I want to strive to become a better staff member. I have been a staff member for IMP-RP for a good while now and I want to expand my horizons and become a better staff member overall so my skill can better help IMP-RP. I am both active on IMP-RP and active on the forms checking for updates and or checking reports, and giving my opinion on applications just to help out. As I’ve been waiting for these applications to come out, Now that they are I believe from the point were I set a goal to become

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?

I do believe I have good judgment. In my time of being staff I have done a lot of sits, each of them being different and hard.  In each of those sitsI always don't let bias get into my seats. 

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?

I would deal with a situation with a user spamming in various topics due to getting banned is I would first get pictures of the spamming from the user, hide the messages from the user, Depending on the level of spamming they do I would decide a punishment, After assigning the punishment I would message the user explaining what there punishment was, why they got it, inform them were it broke the rules, and I would direct them to the appeal section. If they continue doing it I would contact a Senior Diplomat , inform them of the user, give them the link to the forums account, give them the evidence and then the Senior Diplomat would deal with it accordingly. 

How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?

First, I would gather evidence of them arguing, then post  the "Forums Diplomat Message.". If they continue to argue, I would contact a Senior Diplomat to issue both of them a restriction/warning. 


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+/- Support

+ Good staff member

- Responses could use some work

- Didn't completely answer one of the questions (You didn't describe a situation where you had to make a difficult decision)

Current: Security DCoS | SM | DHFW | EXCM | RMS | FTO | Secret Service DCOO

Retired: Nu-7 CPT

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Responses were worded in a weird way (You ended the judgement question with that you "In each of those sitsI always don't let bias get into my seats.")

I do not believe you have good judgement based on how you have staffed on PoliceRP and how you answered the question


- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

FBI  Director 1K-21 | HRT Overseer  | UMC LVL 5 

Reserves: Trooper MAJ  | CERT 2LT  | State Head FTO  | EMS LT

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•Poorly worded app (possibly spelling mistakes?)
•From a IMPRP standpoint, I don't believe you've shown you can fully be a responsible and active member of staff
•Some questions were not fully answered on the app

[Former] | Brigadier General, Shock Commander, R Shock COL, Pyke Muscle II marquis of the low table Mugs |
[Former] | 
Super Admin |

|Imperial Justice Department Chimaera Legion|
"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" -BioShock

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  • Head of Staff


ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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