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Snappys Forum Diplomat Application - Accepted


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in-Game Name: Snappy

Steam Name: [GL]Snappy101

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526658024

What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin, PRP

How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community? almost a year now.

(356 days)

How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight?  (316 days)

How often are you online on the forums? Everyday at almost all times

Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? 
I believe I am qualified to serve as a forum diplomat because I have much experience with staffing and managing things with me being a Department Head on PRP and senior Low Command in multiple departments I also am dedicated to gaminglight, I am an admin and event team and I am on the server daily attempting to help people and help with any issues that arise. I also can learn quickly and love learning how to work with new people I also would like to start getting into the other servers and not just PRP. as I love helping new players when they join as me being a head FTO for PRP I get to help a lot with new Players, and I would love to help new players on the forums and even older players who may be confused. I also am pretty well known around the forums and game, and I think I could help with any issues that arise for Forum diplomats.

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?
yes, I have had to deal with a lot of Command applications and one was where someone was my good friend but I knew they needed more time before they got a command position and so I denied them it was very tough and things went rocky with them but It was what needed to be done I also deal with Staff issues in game and those are a lot of hard decisions

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?
I would talk to them about it and ask them why they were doing such things. after I figured out the reason I would find a way to not just punish them directly but to try to get them to stop if it continued then I would talk to a senior diplomat or Head diplomat about possibly adding a forum warning. if they did stop but they were still confused on why they were banned then I would find out why they were banned and for how long and get back to them and if needed refer them to the staff member who banned them.

How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?

I would tell them to just respectfully give both of there sides and leave it at that and let forums diplomats deal with the rest of it. if they do not listen and continue arguing then I would verbally warn them to stop arguing in Forums and keep it respectful at all times. or they may be forums warned. If it continued after telling them twice to stop then I would contact senior diplomat or Head diplomat for a forums warning

 Forums Diplomat

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Overall good application and is often reliable.

- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

FBI  Director 1K-21 | HRT Overseer  | UMC LVL 5 

Reserves: Trooper MAJ  | CERT 2LT  | State Head FTO  | EMS LT

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  • Head of Staff

Please speak with the Senior Diplomat for your server for training!

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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