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SF Officer / NCO Application Formats

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Starfighter NCO Application Format

Must be posted with a non-public poll

Do not talk about your application, this is considered advertising and your application WILL be denied. Any sort of advertising will result in a denial of the application. Please provide as much detail in your application as possible, Applications with little to no detail will not be considered for Approval.



What is your name?:

What is your rank?:

How long have you been an Enlisted?:

What rank are you applying for?:

How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?:

Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?:

What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?:

What is the main purpose of an NCO?:

If you were to see multiple Enlisted messing around on the job and trying to get others to join them what would you do?:

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?:



Starfighter Officer Application Format

Must be posted with a non-public poll

Do not talk about your application, this is considered advertising and your application WILL be denied. Any sort of advertising will result in a denial of the application. Please provide as much detail in your application as possible, Applications with little to no detail will not be considered for Approval.




What is your name?:

What is your rank?:

How long have you been a NCO?:

What rank are you applying for?:

How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?:

Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?:

What can you do to assist command with this rank?:

What is the point of been a officer?:

What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?:

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?:

Current: SF Vice Marshall Razor


EX: Nova Black Hole Squadron Officer CPT Razor , Purge Heavy Lead 1st LT Worth,

Med SSGT Worth

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