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Staff Application- Accepted


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What is your in-game name?: DT SSGT EX1

What is your steam name?: Anomaly

What is your steam ID?: 76561197983217607

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I have plenty of staff experiance. I reached admin on 3 other servers with one of which being BLN CWRP. When I joined GamingLight back in 2022 I decided to help out the community more and so became a GM. After a little while of being a GM I joined the staff team. From there I eventually worked my way up to Senior Admin and AHGM.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) May 2022 then took a year break in 2023. I am now returning full time. 

What date did you make your forums account? May 4th 2022

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gamemaster

How many warns do you have on the server? I believe I have 2 warns from a long time ago.

Have you donated? Yes I have Darth and have bought a few other packages

What rank are you applying for? T-MOD

Have you read the staff guidelines at 

You will be tested on it: Yes!

Timezone: PST

Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): I believe I deserve the rank because I am very experienced in Staffing and in the GL Community in general. While it has been awhile since I was staff here It's not so long ago that I don't remember how and what to do. And I do believe that I have grown as a person in the time I've been gone as well. I've grown to be more patient and approachable over my time both on GL and away from it, which back then I felt was probably what kept me back from higher positions. I do feel that I'm ready to come back to GamingLight full time both in and out of RP. 

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: As this is a situation I've dealt with before I would take them up to the top of the ship where we do all the admin sits. I would explain to them that if they don't calm down they will be gagged. Assuming they continue to curse me out I would gag them and then look through logs and listen to the other parties involved. If there is evidence from other parties that would be helpful as well. Once determining they have been Mass RDMing on purpose I would ban them and fill out the paperwork. 

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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  • Head Admin


Please contact a JMT+ for staff training whenever you are available

Grand General | Head Admin | Head Game Master

Former IC VCMDR Fixer from ages past | Former Scout lead | ST Commander

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