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Vau's Officer Application


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The Officers that gave permission is Rudolph/Second Sister and VCMDR Jeff

What Is Your In Game Name?

What Is Your SteamID?

How Long Have You Been In Purge?
2 Weeks and 2 Days

Have You Been In IQ, If so, What Rank Were/Are You?
Lord III and MSGT as of now.

Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT? [100+ words]
I have never really been a CO on any server that I have joined because I felt like it would be too much work or that I would not be good enough. I am finally moving out of that comfort zone and realize that I want to become a CO to finally get out of that type of mindset. I am one of the older players on Gaminglight, having joined in 2022, so I have some sort of knowledge of how things work around here. I like to help people out, whether it is by giving up my time, giving some sort of in-game item, or giving advice. From what I have seen, being an officer is not a burden, but instead a doorway opening up to more opportunities.

What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Purge Officer Team? [100+ words]
I am active almost every day, so I can host tryouts or trainings. I like to see and create a positive environment for others, so the time that we all have here is memorable. I always fact-check any information or advice that is given out to others and tell the new Purge members about the mistakes that I have made and how to avoid them. Another thing that I like to do is create fun things for others to do so that they are not bored out of their minds. The final thing I can bring is a watchful eye. I can spot people who would or would not do well in Purge. Though those people may not be on the Do Not Train list, I would rather try to avoid them as they may start conflict. I also watch for potential in people.

Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience?
Once on a server as Commander Thorn on server I believe is dead. Other than that none.

Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team?

How Many Strikes Do You Have?

Edited by C.R.A.Y.O.L.A


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