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Hawkeye's Support Application


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In-Game Name:



Steam Name:




STEAM_0:0:461555742 / 76561198883377212


What is your discord username?



What is your staff rank in GamingLight?



How often are you on TeamSpeak?



How often do you use Discord?

I am always on Discord since I used to make discords for people.


Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?


I've been with this server for a very long time and have learned a lot about it; most of what I've learned has to do with how people behave and operate. I want to help as much as I can. As for support, I had to respond to a lot of inquiries from lower-level employees throughout my roughly four years as a SeniorGM/Admin on the server. Now that I've returned from my trip, I've forgotten a few things, so I had to start over and observe staff members to see how they operate and behave. This has become a significant part of what I am.


Since I was a lore character for most of the time and was still there keeping an eye on everyone and teaching them, the community has now mostly forgotten about me. I left staff thinking that no one needed me anymore, but I soon realized that this community is where I started, which is why I have over 14,000 hours on Garry's mod. As a result, I have decided to join the support team to support this server and everything it stands for.


When this position was originally opened, I said to myself in the meeting that I would never apply. However, then I began to consider why I would even want to become this, as I have never been the kind to assist others in this way—I'm usually the one who makes events and lays down the server's rules. However, as I progressed through the server, I became aware of how many people don’t know how to work the server. I had previously believed that starting again in GL would be simple, but I was mistaken people frequently needed assistance and I wanted to start helping them.


Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?


As I've mentioned previously, I've spent a lot of hours on Gmod, and the majority of those hours were spent on GL when I initially joined the server back in 2019. However, that doesn't include the time I joined as a Minge and played on other servers. I pledged to Head GM Emily that I would become the best GM this server has ever seen when I first joined, and I still want to fulfill that promise. I started as a GM and worked my way up to become the best I could.


When this position was originally opened, I said to myself in the meeting that I would never apply. However, then I began to consider why I would even want to become this, as I have never been the kind to assist others in this way—I'm usually the one who organizes events and establishes the server's rules. However, as I progressed through the server, I became aware of how many people lack the skills to play full-time on the server. I had previously believed that starting again in GL would be simple, but I was mistaken people frequently needed assistance and I wanted to start helping them.


How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?


Discord - Hello, Sir. My name is Hawkeye I am a member of support here on GL. How can I help you?


TeamSpeak - Hello, Sir. I am aware that you are having trouble with issues on the server. I'm available to help you. Would you please give a more thorough description of the problem?


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Please speak to the Head of Support within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started!
If you have any questions, please message the Head of Support to determine the next steps.

Chief Of Security

H.I.R.U. Shiro

Head Admin // Head of Support


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Please speak to a Support Supervisor or the Head of Support within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started!
If you have any questions, please message the Head of Support to determine next steps.

Chief Of Security

H.I.R.U. Shiro

Head Admin // Head of Support


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