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Ion Davis' Support Application

Ion Davis

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Posted (edited)

In-Game Name: Ion Davis

Steam Name: [GL] 1K-86

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:450610550

What is your discord username? 1k86

What is your staff rank in GamingLight? Senior-Moderator

How often are you on TeamSpeak? 6-8 hours a day.

How often do you use Discord? Very often. Notifications are always on.

Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?

I would like to become a member of the support team for many reasons. I love to help people with problems and find solutions. I am very knowledgeable when it comes to Garry's Mod bugs, Discord Issues, Teamspeak issues, and so forth. By becoming a member of support, I will be able to bring a charismatic personality to any and all situations which occur. In tough and stressful situations, I am able to remain calm and keep a clear head to most effectively handle the problem in a hasteful manner. These are just a few reasons I believe I would be a great fit for support. I am hoping to do more to help Gaminglight and the community as a whole. Ever since I joined GL in early 2023, I have had a deep interest in the servers, players, and so much more. I hope to be able to assist many people in all kinds of scenarios.

Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?

I am a very reliable member of Gaminglight and the staff team. I have been able to surpass the sit's required every week, I am very active and respectful, and I have been trusted already with many confidential information by being a member of Executive High Command within the PoliceRP server. In all the scenarios, I have remained silent, effectively safeguarding all information which is confidential.

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?

I would first join the channel to introduce myself, "Hello! My name is Ion Davis, how may I assist you today?" If the matter is a question, I will give them an answer to their question with the best of my abilities. If the matter was a more indepth issue with either Teamspeak, Discord, or Garry's Mod, I would politely ask them to give me as much information about the issue as possible, and work together to resolve the issue. It may be as simple as their model quality is too low, or they may have to validate their GMOD files. Either way, I would work with them and give them the steps to completing each of these objectives.

Edited by Ion Davis


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Please speak to the Head of Support within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started!
If you have any questions, please message the Head of Support to determine the next steps.

Chief Of Security

H.I.R.U. Shiro

Head Admin // Head of Support


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Please speak to a Support Supervisor or the Head of Support within 72 hours in TeamSpeak to get started!
If you have any questions, please message the Head of Support to determine next steps.

Chief Of Security

H.I.R.U. Shiro

Head Admin // Head of Support


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