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Senior Aviator Titans Pilots Application


Should i be NCO  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i be SF NCO

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your name?: Titan

What is your rank?: Senior Aviator 

How long have you been an Enlisted?: 3 day 

What rank are you applying for?: Pilot and/or SGT

How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?: 0

Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?: I think that with my previous experience and time as an officer and NCO in other battalions (501st MAJ ,Purge/IQ CPT, Shock LTCOL) that a really good resource to SF in building their ranks and help them be the best regiment they can be. 

What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?: I can asset the officers in what ever they need so they dont have to worry about to much. I can be ready to train anybody that wants to join.

What is the main purpose of an NCO?: The purpose of an NCO is to be the middle ground between the enlisted and the officers, someone that can teach the enlisted right from wrong and show them the way to be a good SF. NCOs are supposed to help take burden off of the officers and command team.

Question, what would happen if you see a enlisted not following orders and they are messing around?: The first move would be to report them to your higher ranking and do what they want you to do.  If no one responds then give them a verbal warning and ask them not to do so again. If I get a response do what the higher rank tells you to do.

Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?: Yes I agree

Current SF Squadron Leader, EX Shock LTCOL, 501ST VCMDR, Purge CPT.

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Great experiance Seems like a good fit

Current: Starfighter Onyx Lead, Starfighter Senior Group Captain.  EX: Shock SSGT, CDT IV, Lord IV, 501st 2LT, 501st Arc, 501st PZ0. IC SSE SPC, DT Sentry Droid, Leading Crewman.

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