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Phoenix's Imperial Commando's Vice Commander Application- Denied


Am I fit to become the next Sev? [Vice Commander]   

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I fit to become the next Sev? [Vice Commander]

    • Yes, Please explain below
    • No, Please explain below

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Ω Major 8015 Fi Skirata


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Commando's - 1207 Sev


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

Way back when I first joined Gaminglight the first thing that caught my eye was Imperial Commandos, it was the first ever battalion I joined and it's been that way for over 2 years now. Every time I took a break for Gmod, I had a hole in my heart and I ended up missing GL and coming right back. I've regretted every time I've left but I gave my word that I'm not going anywhere this time and I'm a man of my word. I love IC with all my heart and everyone inside. I've always wanted to be a Vice Commander, but I never thought I had what it takes but as I've grown as a person I believe that I have what it takes to become a Vice Commander! I want nothing more than to better IC and myself. I want to push IC to its former potential and rise to continue to be one of the most populated battalions and have fun doing it! With this position, I would be able to do more for the battalion and help Scout Snipers, I want to remake the Scout Sniper Senior tryout and a few others things in mind. And since then it was my dream goal to reach Vice Commander for this battalion and improve and help as much as I can. I want to make sure this Battalion prospers and flourishes in its time ahead!

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

I have a total of 1,098:55 hours

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of the Vice Commander is primarily to assist the Commander of the branch.  While at the same time making sure everyone in the Battalion is having a good time, with Missions, SIMS, and other fun activities that would bond the Commandos more. Vice Commanders should always strive to be active and be engaging with the others within IC and other battalions to keep them engaged and entertained.  Vice Commanders are the ones that will take charge of the battalion when the Commanders are busy, which they usually are. They should always be aware of what's happening within their branch and act accordingly if any issues arise. Also, a Vice Commander should be assessing everyone in the battalion and making sure they're fit to be a part of the battalion.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 
I believe I can be trusted to become a vice commander because of many factors, but the main one is that I believe I have shown how to lead because I have prior experience as an officer before and I've proven to my commanders I can lead. I was ensuring everyone's doing their job as an 2LT and I was trusted to be handpicked into Omega Squad as a 2LT, and since I can handle more responsibility, I've earned the rank of MAJ and I ensured I continue to do my job well and grow, but experience is one thing, another one is professionalism. There is a line you have to make when it comes to being silly and having fun, and professionalism. When the time comes one must know when to be serious and my professionalism has never went away, I try and make it so that we always have solid battle comms during battle and hone the necessary skills each IC trooper has to have to be the perfect combat combatants. So I feel like I am ready for the responsibility a IC VCMDR has to offer.

7. How often can you be Online? :

Friday -> Monday 4PM - 10PM 
Tuesday -> Thursday 9AM - 11PM

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
I have 0 Warnings

Edited by Silent_Phoenix

Current: Ω LTCOL 8015 Fi Skirata & DT MSGT PH0

Ex: IC CSVL CPT GREN | 501st ARCL CPT Blitz 

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+1 good guy, ive worked with him in the past and he did and still does phenomenal work

hi im jimmy

current: coolest guy around

former: Tank SHC CSM (and also enlisted) IC DME CPL 501st HVYAL, (coolest) ARCAL Hammer, COL for 10 mins, & VCMDR | DT Sarlacc SPC SF Onyx WO © 4568 Blu © 4457 Reaper 1207 Sev

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  • Head Admin


Thank you for your interest in joining the Army Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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