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Death's Officer APP


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What is your in-game name? Death 



What is your current rank? SFC



How long have you been in Shock? I been in shock about a Month 



How much time do you have on the server?  I Have 10 Weeks on the Server 



Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I feel that I deserve the position of officer because As I mentioned previously, I have a proven track record of integrity and honesty throughout my military career. My actions indicate that I am trustworthy and accountable, adhering to the highest ethical principles and standards. I take responsibility for my actions and always strive to do the right thing. Furthermore, my background in strategic intelligence analysis and counterintelligence investigations has given me a valuable insight into the inner workings of our adversary and the challenges we face. This allows me to look at situations with a different lens and identify potential threats that others may miss. I have Work With Shock Before I was A DDOS in SO.



Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? I believe that I can be trusted to hold this position because My actions demonstrate that I am worthy of trust and I have no history of dishonesty, malpractice, or other malfeasance. I have always taken great care not to abuse my authority or misuse any classified information I am entrusted with. My integrity has never been in question, nor have I ever been accused of wrongdoing. Furthermore, my loyalty and dedication to the Imperial  is unwavering, and I am always mindful of the best interests of the galaxy.



If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants Can't? If chosen, I believe I can add a unique perspective and set of insights to the battalion. My background in strategic intelligence analysis and counterintelligence investigations has given me a valuable insight into the inner workings of our adversary and the challenges we face. This allows me to look at situations with a different lens and identify potential threats that others may miss. I am an effective communicator who can articulate my thoughts clearly and persuasively, which allows me to provide valuable input and strategic insights to the commander.

How active can you be? I am Active Everyday  when I get off of work and when I do not have work 

Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission? Can's and ANT 


Edited by TTVhoplessnuke

Ex DDOS COMANDER Death | EX 501st Captain Winter| EX Shock 2nd LT Goose 

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Unfortunately, as one or more of the MAJ+ listed in your application did not give not permission, the Shock command team had decided to deny your application. Please make sure to get the expressed permission of two MAJ+ in the future before posting an application. You are able to reapply for an officer position in 2 weeks.

Current Senior Commander | Former Shock Commander
Imperial Justice Department
"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" -BioShock

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