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Drago's Senior Officer Application


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What is your in game rank and name? CPO Drago

What is your STEAM ID? STEAM_0:1:151060129

Names of both Lieutenant Commander+ (MAJ+) that gave you permission to apply? Hopfner, Manbox

How long have you been in Naval? 3 1/2 ish weeks

Why do you wish to become a Senior Officer? I want to become a senior officer to help grow naval and help lead the next generation of naval to be exemplary naval. As well I want to make sure during slow times on the server I want to make sure their is something to do for naval by hosting a variety of sims.

What are the duties of a Senior Officer? Senior Officer are to oversee the lower ranks, make sure they are completing their duties, promote Naval personal when they have deemed themselves worthy of the next rank, hold simulations to help troopers enhance their skills in a Varity of way, hold trainings to make sure naval personnel keep their skills sharp and ready for anything.  

How will you assist the battalion as a Senior Officer?  As a Senior Officer I will help keep interest in being on naval with a variety of SIMs and activity to the battalion. I will also be on a good bit to watch the lower ranks and reward them with promotions and other rewards when they deserve. I will also make sure branch relations grow and become better by doing more activity with other regiments. 

What qualifies you to be a Senior Officer? I have been in officer position and commander positions on many occasions from the GL SCP RP server as well many other imperial rp servers. I also am approachable for lower ranks to come to for any issues they may have. I also know how to balance being serious an having a fun time when playing the server. I also do not put up with minging and know when it is time to be serious and when its time to be chill.

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