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Maw76 Officer Application


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What is your in-game name?



What is your current rank?



How long have you been in Shock?

Since July 21 2023 (81 days)


How much time do you have on the server?

4 days


Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

I want this promotion so that I may further myself within the Shock battalion and show my dedication through my hard and earnest work; My loyalty to Shock is unbreakable and firm.


Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

I meet my quota and I'm active on the battalion almost every spare time I have. I am willing to comply and meet any expectations that are required or expected of me as a 2LT of Shock.


If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?



How active can you be?
As active as my schedule allows me but to put it into a number an average of 18 hours a week and more if I'm able.

(Depends on College but during the Holidays and days off I'll be on almost all day)

Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission?

Brigadier General Tarlen

Shock Commander Axle




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Technically not accepted since he was promoted like 5 minutes after he posted this lol

Former Senior Commander

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

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