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Swagcold Officer Application:)


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What is your in game rank and name? 

Swagcold And I'm a SCPO/SO.

What is your Steam ID?


Names of both Lieutenant Commander+ (MAJ+) that gave you permission to apply?

Admiral Sam and Lieutenant Commander Coolnic.

How long have you been in Naval 

I've been in naval around five to six months now, However this won't be my first time as a officer as I was a MAJ for 501st.

Why do you wish to become a Senior Officer.

I wish to become a Senior Officer to help everyone more than I am in naval. I also want to be able to help NCO's that have questions or that just need help. Also I've always wanted to climb the ranks of Naval and end up as Vice admiral or Admiral.

What are the duties of a Senior Officer

The duties of an Senior Officer are to help out the NCO's with anything they need help with, and we also help out with maintaining the peace and order of the Imperial Naval Fleet. We occasionally tryouts but we do in fact host trainings for us to be a better battalion and we also hold Simulations to make the people of the server happy:) However whilst maintaining order we also need to be more active than NCOs to ensure that we are responsible. 

How will you asist the battalion as a Senior Officer


 I will assist the Officer team however I am able to, While that may consist of many different Opportunities or Actions, I'll Always try my best to make sure that the Naval Fleet and it's Fellow members are doing what they are supposed to be doing and making sure that their isn't an problems within the battalion. 


What qualifies you to be a Senior Officer 

 I am able to communicate with other fellow Troops and Naval persons. I will Guide if needed and if people need help. I can help out whenever needed and with whatever is needed done. I also am I Fair player, I respect the Staff, other players, and the RP that goes on within the server.



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  • Head Admin
6 hours ago, Rivian Galaxy said:


Marked as Inactive on the roster.

Short Application

+/- support

Was on LOA for a bit so that could be why he has little activity

Short app

nice guy


Edited by Resin

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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