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BigBoy's Shock Security Officer Application - Accepted


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What is your in-game name?



What is your current rank?

Command Sergeant Major



How long have you been in Shock?

1 and a Half Months



How much time do you have on the server?

9 months


Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

I believe that I deserve the Position of officer because I have had previous experience within the shock officer team, and I have had experience with being an Officer in other battalions, Naval and ST as well as shock. I believe that I deserve this position because I have been in shock for 1 and a Half Months and have been a CSM for 1 month and I believe that I have gotten to know what the officers do by watching what they do during events and watching how they deal with shock troopers failing to meet our standards. I believe that I should also have this position because I have been an Officer in shock, naval and ST before and I know the duties and responsibilities that the Officers have and how the shock officers should perform while on and off duty.


Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

I feel that I can be trusted to uphold this position because I have been an Officer in this battalion as well as two other battalions meaning I have had the chance to learn the responsibilities of being an officer, and being a member of Low command for your battalion.  I also think that I can be trusted to uphold this positon because I have been in shock for One and a Half months meaning I have read our documents and expectations and have learnt them to where if I need assistance I know where to look, and if someone else asks me for assistance, I would inform them of where to look or who to ask if I cannot answer the question. I am also a good person in general and I think that, that is a good thing that officers should have. I am also disciplined meaning if people do something wrong, they are told what they have done wrong and warned, if they do it again PT, if they do it again, I would ask to strike them.

If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?

If I am chosen for this position these are the few things that I can add to the shock battalion that other might not be able to. I am disciplined as said before, meaning if people are minging or breaking the handbook rules and regulations that i capture them doing it and that they are informed of what they have done wrong and what their punishment will be. I am active meaning you can trust me to be ingame and making flag ups and hosting simulations, and making sure the NCO's and Enlisted are performing to the highest standard.


How active can you be?

I can be active every day, however I have school, my activity on a scale of 1-10 would be a 8-9/10.

Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission?

Shock Commander Axle, Shock Vice Commander Zach. And Colonel miricle

Edited by BigBoyNavalTankIQandRG

〖  ImperialRP 〗  Sub Lieutenant BigBoy |  SF FC Swagwarm

〖Ex:〗ISB Junior Operative | Ensign BigBoy | DT CPL HE3 | Senior Security Officer | Aviation Officer | Shock 2LT | 501ST 2LT 



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- and + support

+ Has experience

+ says that he’s learnt from his misstakes

+ generally nice but makes misstakes here and there, he’s human after all

- has not appeared during my playtime (could be playing on another time peroid though)

- has a controversial reputation regarding following the SOP

Note: I believe that some people take bigboys negative reputation into consideration and therefore wants to wait with bigboys promotion to officer, verifying that bigboy has indeed learnt from his misstakes and proves that he has improved, overall I’m more willing to give him a second chance, but that’s not my call to make



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I would like to add, he lives in GMT, and as such is rarely on during the standard times for Americans, so this could explain the perceived inactivity. He also recently took an LOA, so his hours on roster are down.

I felt it necessary to write this, as every response so far mentions his activity.

Edited by Axle

Former Senior Commander

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

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As My commander stated, im GMT meaning its hard for me to get on american times during the week. On a weekend maybe not so hard, i just get tired and thats what alot of the time people have seen me as inactive.

On me breaking the SOP, I've done it yes i agree. And i have learnt not to do it again. I read the SOP every time i join and leave the game until i know it back to front and will do that until I have learnt it.

Thank you lot for all of your honesty

〖  ImperialRP 〗  Sub Lieutenant BigBoy |  SF FC Swagwarm

〖Ex:〗ISB Junior Operative | Ensign BigBoy | DT CPL HE3 | Senior Security Officer | Aviation Officer | Shock 2LT | 501ST 2LT 



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On 9/18/2023 at 1:07 AM, gsa841337 said:

- and + support

+ Has experience

+ says that he’s learnt from his misstakes

+ generally nice but makes misstakes here and there, he’s human after all

- has not appeared during my playtime (could be playing on another time peroid though)

- has a controversial reputation regarding following the SOP

Note: I believe that some people take bigboys negative reputation into consideration and therefore wants to wait with bigboys promotion to officer, verifying that bigboy has indeed learnt from his misstakes and proves that he has improved, overall I’m more willing to give him a second chance, but that’s not my call to make




Current: DT F16
Former: SF Ex Vice Marshal Newt | Ex SF Shadow Lead Teso Broosh | DT AY0 |
DT V07 DT M36

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Application Accepted
Contact a MAJ+ for your training 
(Or don't because I'm literally about to train you right now.)

Former Senior Commander

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

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