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Crewman Mike's NCO application (return to naval)


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What is your in game rank and name.

Crewman Mike

What is your STEAM ID?


How long have you been in Naval

First time: 2022 Last time: about 2 days ago

Why do you wish to become a Junior Officer

I wish to become a Junior Officer again because I miss the naval tenderly, so I wish to triumph as an NCO for the Naval and immoderately add people to the branch as much as I can, making the enlisted feel more facilitated with the duties. Also, I am highly engrossed by the security branch as a naval, so being at the rank PO2, I can try out for the sub-battalion and make it in. The last reason I yearn for PO2 is to keep the Naval as delightful as possible by ensuring everybody is charitable to each other in every way possible. I want to keep Naval as exceptional as possible. So, for these desires, being the rank PO2 will help me with this.

What are the duties of a Junior Officer?

The duties as a Junior Officer for the naval is making sure the fellow naval is having an amusable time in Naval. Also, to actively attempt to enhance the amount of people that join Naval. As a junior officer, your main intention is to making sure naval is at it's top peak. This includes, members, activity from yourself, doing sims to make sure naval is doing rp the the fullest, being deck command, so our fellow naval are not lost and get yelled at for no reason. Lastly, making sure everybody is having a great time. 

How will you assist the battalion as a Junior Officer?  

If I become a junior officer, I will host tryouts, do sims for our fellow naval to make sure rp is to it's fullest, being deck command if I am the highest naval on so pits knows what to do and when.

People who gave me permission: Sam

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