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Gear scores being very low, despite high rarity


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I've been noticing for a while that gear has a issue where a rare piece of gear will spawn, but the gear score will be extremely low, making it effectively worse than other peices with lower rarity. I have received numerous low gear score rares, epics and to top it all of, I have had a 0 gear score Legendary Range, shown by the picture provided:


I am unsure whether this is a bug or something intended, but in my opinion, it should be changed to where the rarities of gear have a minimum gear score that they can be, to avoid these sort of things happening in the future.

Examples of the new system:
Commons have a range of 0 to 35

Uncommons have a range of 25 to 60

Rares have a range of 40 to 100

Epic have a range of 80 to 150

Legendaries have a 100 to 200

For Weapon attachments, it could be:

Commons 0 to 20

Uncommons 5 - 30

Rares 15-40

Epics 35 - 75

Legendaries 50 - 100

These would (hopefully) be quick adjustments that could be made to give people more motivation to grind gear without impacting the balance of this very good unique system.

Thank you for your time 🙂

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Ive heard this is a issue from others aswell.

The solution propossed is great. Most games have a simular system, normaly tieing it to character level but in our case rareity works best.

It ensures that all the hard work or time spent to gain the gear dosent feel wasted when its worse then some uncommon.


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Due to have a very limited range of statistics we can use for this system a minimum range will give us less flexibility. All a legendary does is provide you a higher chance of getting a higher roll. If there were most stats we could use and a higher range then sure but not probable with a system like ours.  

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