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Spooky NSO Application


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What is your in game rank and name?
SO CPO Spooky

What is your STEAM ID?

Names of both Lieutenant Commander+ (MAJ+) that gave you permission to apply?
Senior Commander John 

Agent Kallus

How long have you been in Naval?
Since 7/25/23

Why do you wish to become a Senior Officer?
I wish to become a Senior Officer because I believe I can do more in Naval then what my current rank allows me. I've been wanting to be more helpful and do more, especially when it comes to SO duties. I will also help naval and SO as much as possible if I become NSO.

What are the duties of a Senior Officer?
Senior Officer duties are to help all of naval as a whole, whether that be tryouts, training NCOs, or just helping newer people understand what to do, Senior Officer is to be a role model for some or most of naval to look up to, which could lead to enlisted being inspired. They are to make sure everything is running smoothly so the Admirals don't have to stress it out.

How will you assist the battalion as a Senior Officer?
I can host many tryouts, SIMs, and drills to ensure that everybody knows what they are doing. Obviously if others need to do their quota I will let them, I wont be hogging it. But through a strong leader and one that cares for all, I believe that will be a very useful tool to the battalion.

What qualifies you to be a Senior Officer?
I believe what qualifies me to be a Senior Officer is that I am a quick learner, I was able to understand exactly what my duties as SO and CPO are fairly quickly. I am also somewhat well known among naval, shock, and 501st. Adding on any task given upon me or a personal one I will make sure is completed.

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- not a lot of detail in most areas of this application,
- not many things that quilify him.


〖  ImperialRP 〗  BigBoy 

〖Ex:〗ISB Junior Operative | Sub Lieutenant BigBoy | DT CPL HE3 | Senior Security Officer | Aviation Officer | Shock 2LT | 501ST 2LT | Senior Officer (Police RP) 



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